Beskidy Ultra - Trail®
Beskidy Ultra - Trail®


The name is no accident. It combines the three things we love: our mountains we know and have been running in for years, the sport we are devoted to and the trail where we spend most of our free time.
We created this race beacuse we believe we are not alone in our passion. We wanted to share with You what we can enjoy on a daily basis, to show You how easily You can realize Your potential by simply running, to give You this unique opportunity to test Your mettle and to reach beyond what You thought was even possible.
There has never been such a race in Poland. You would be hard pressed to find one like that in Europe. 
The date of the race is also not accidental. We wanted you to end the season with a bang still
keeping in mind the beautiful, hard and joyful moments we hope You will spend with us.
We strongly believe that the beauty and magic of our mountains will captivate Your souls like it did with ours.

We are confident you will be back.
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